2021 Travel in the Era of COVID

by priscillapilonsite

While we stay home to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, armchair travel has been the only way to enjoy a few moments of escape to far off places. As soon as I am vaccinated and other countries allow visitors, I will be sky bound.

In a perfect world, I would travel to London for a long overdue wedding (or two) of friends, then head to Scotland for a hike followed by a pop over through the Chunnel to France. Your guess is as good as mine if and when these destinations will be open for U.S. visitors and what restrictions will be placed – quarantine and for how long? Barriers to entry might be high in certain countries or territories and even if it’s open season to travel, we have learned that borders can shut down in a moment’s notice.

What will I do differently? Not much. I have always been a “Plan B” traveler in the sense that I register with the local U.S. Embassy, bring meds I might require in case of illness, and have travel insurance that will fly me home if needed for medical emergency. I have used specialized travel doctors in the past before long trips or ones to remote places to ensure I have my shots up to date and the right antibiotics for a worse case scenario. I will likely make an appointment with one again before I leave the country to ensure I have the up-to-date COVID protocol meds needed, just in case. But one thing I will most certainly do is check the stats of current cases in each country first, research the local hospitals and certainly check each accommodations’ virus protocols. I’ll also be bringing less shoes and more hand sanitizer. 😉

My plan on this site is to keep you up to date on my comings and goings, offer any advice and showcase some adventures that my peers will want to learn about and book. My promise to you is, while some of my trips are compensated my opinion never will be. I don’t guarantee any hotel, destination, restaurant or excursion or cruise anything in return except that I will write about it. Period. In general, I am a positive person, but if something isn’t up to snuff – you, my reader, will know about it!

If you want to be notified when I write a new post, please fill out your email address here so you don’t miss a thing. I don’t sell mailing lists. Heck, I don’t even know how to access them. If there is something you are curious about, have questions or just want to say hello, please do leave a comment and I will respond ASAP.

Onwards and upwards,


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